get the freelance business to the next level

In this case, you have to pick whether you would like to follow up the previous way (as an employee) and being dependable on many specific corporate factors or go for self-independence, where everything is literally up to you. It’s not easy to select the latter scenario because it will force you to step outside the comfort zone and get a ticket to another world.

Frequently, people struggle to find something in-between. That means, working regularly as an employee and to get hired as an independent contractor/ freelancer after this time. Sooner or later, you will flash on making two ends meet is very exhausting. You can’t have a cake and eat it, in other worlds. Freelance is strongly related to the state of mind. It’s based on an attitude of writing someone own ticket.

One of the main misconceptions regarding remote work is connecting this lifestyle with huge vocational experience. To put it briefly, only senior professionals have a chance to succeed there because they’re well-established (having countless contacts etc.). And, thus, others will fail. But it’s not true. It’s more complicated than you could imagine.

For this reason, we have listed some critical questions answering which will resolve any doubts whether freelance is tailored for you or not. So don’t hesitate and check them below.

Are you sure what freelance mindset really mean?

It’s a rule number one. If you don’t get it nor obey it, don’t ever think of going further. This is a fundamental issue. On one hand, you work for yourself. Depending on your daily motivation level, you will earn less or more. Additionally, time management and maintaining work-life balance are important for freelance health and fortune. Operation on many levels is something you have to get accustomed to immediately. On the other hand, you do what you love from anywhere you want. Every place (home, cafe, bus, departure lounge) might be your office. Sometimes you choose a partner with whom you will cooperate. Sometimes it works in the opposite direction. On the whole, nobody can force you to get involved in unsatisfied projects. It doesn’t mean you won’t experience compromises. Freelancing isn’t a perfect world.


Do you have a portfolio?

Even if you’re not a senior professional, you’re still in a game. At this phase, the first thing which should come to your mind should be related to the preparation of your offer. What kind of service do you want to provide? Let’s conduct SWOT analysis if you can’t indicate 2-4 work fields. Having achieved this point, these data require being visualized and accessible online. Making it easy to find you will open doors for clients. Thus, set up your website (on WordPress for example) – nowadays it’s as simple as ABC. What’s more, having a website is a great way to build a personal branding hub for your activities outside on remote work platforms such as Useme.

Do you have an emergency fund?

A lack of cash flow is likely to happen more often when you’re a freelancer than when you are employed. It keeps freelancers awake at night. It’s the greatest nightmare for them. Unfortunately, many people jump in freelancing mode without the slightest consciousness of this kind of jeopardy. So bear two issues in mind: duty savings (which allows you to afloat for 6-12 months) and business diversification (don’t only focus on one project because it might get you drown).

Can you sell your services?

Doing independently what you love makes you a true salesman. As every salesperson, entrepreneurship spirit should be a part of your soul. Don’t let you down when you couldn’t find your first clients as fast as you expected. A disappointment-faced approach is your virtue. From these experiences, you can learn many valuable things nowhere else to catch. Looking for your unique advantage? Let’s look how you’re good at customer service. Remember, how fast you reply and how you do it (check each email twice before sending it) – these things have repercussion whether a client will pick you or not.

Is networking something what I prefer?

It doesn’t mean that only convivial, extroverted people can become a successful freelancer. If you don’t prefer meeting new people at events, foster and cultivate a relationship with people from your industry on LinkedIn groups or on business blogs, instead. Thanks to technological possibilities, you can surely find a proper solution for you.

Am I ready for ups and downs in my business?

There’s a risk of not getting paid. This experience is quite natural for independent professionals. However, to avoid or diminish the scale of such events, focus on building a rapport with every client. Why? Because reliability is a new currency in business. Also, take a note that acquiring clients will work differently. In general, you’re the boss who’s responsible for prosperity as well as the overall operations within the next few months. Think not only for today but also movie forward to predict any forthcoming menace.